Instagram Stories

No more than three stories on Instagram

Social media Instagram has a long history of storytelling. Share photos or videos with friends for 24 hours. Then the story is automatically deleted. So far there has been no restriction on story sharing. The story could be shared as much as you wanted.

However, from now on, no more than three stories can be given together on this platform. Recently, the debate has started with that part. People are sharing a lot of things there, uploading so many pictures and videos that the followers are in trouble. A user’s story is a breath of fresh air. Because if you don’t want to see the story, you have to remove it by tapping.

According to Instagram, many influencers have started sharing all the activities of the day in Insta Story. From there, the platform under the meter is probably looking for a way out.

Instagram has recently launched a special feature for Brazilian customers. There is a ‘Show all’ button in the story. Besides, only three stories can be seen at the same time. The rest of the stories are hidden. The user can decide whether to watch them through the ‘Show-All’ button.

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Users will have to choose the best three stories if this feature is enabled on a large scale. So that his followers can see them automatically. Many feel that this feature is intended to reduce the risk of fake content.

Currently, users can share up to 100 stories at once. Followers get tired of watching that story. Instagram may be the only way to get rid of this problem. However, to maintain its popularity, the meter company wants to rush into sharing.

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