The meta shop is about to start

Finally, the Meta shop is about to start. Facebook’s parent company has previously said it would not open stores to sell products. But finally, they plan to make headsets. And through this, it is clear that the Meta incorporation is going to start the shop. Meta, the parent company of Facebook, has announced that they are going to open a store to sell hardware products. However, unlike Apple, they will not open a wide range of stores right now. This information has been known from BBC sources. Meta’s first hardware store is opening at the Meta campus in Burlingame, California.

Meta shop- Image source: Reuters

Facebook Meta Shop

The Meta Hardware Store will officially launch on May 9, 2022. Customers will be able to buy Meta Portal Headphones and Quest Virtual Reality Headsets from this store. Customers can also check out the Reb-Ban Stories SmartGlass demo and order it online.

Meta is launching this store to provide customers with hands-on experience with their hardware products. The store will have a demo space where store officials can be contacted via video call via Facebook’s portal device. Meta has also added a tab called “Shop” to their website to sell products online. All of Meta’s products will be available online there.

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