Pin whatsapp chat

How to pin a favorite chat on WhatsApp

WhatsApp has millions of users every day. This popular messaging platform is being used in almost all countries of the world. They are bringing new features to make the user experience better using the platform.

However, in the meantime, a number of new features have come to the platform. Many users do not yet know how to use them properly. One such feature is pin chat. With this feature, you can pin your important chat if you want. As a result of receiving too many messages, the message of the loved one is lost. Can’t reply at the right time.

Pin important chats to your loved ones or office from now on. It will not avoid any urgent message. You can do the job very easily. Therefore-

  • First, open WhatsApp from your Android phone.
  • Long press on the chat you want to pin.
  • Then several icons will be seen at the very top.
  • There will be an icon that looks like a pin at first.
  • If you tap there, the chat pin will be.

Once the chat is pinned, it will be fixed in all three chats at the very top. No matter how many messages come, those three chats will not move in any way.

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